Police and Army Killings in Rio – the Brazil Haiti Connection

A documentary film, 62 mins – 2020

This documentary film visits the favelas of Rio de Janeiro which have had military interventions and are constant targets of police operations. The stories of the victims – mostly mothers whose children have been killed – are heard, using participatory practices. Also interviewed are community leaders from Mothers of Manguinhos, Redes da Maré, and Women in Action in Alemão. Expert commentary was provided by Fiocruz, the leading public health institute in Latin America, and the international human rights NGO Conectas.



The film was produced using participatory practices in collaboration with mothers whose children have been killed during police operations in Complexo do Alemão, Manguihos, Complexo de Maré; and Salgueira. Janaina Matos, founding member of a group of Brazilian police officers campaigning against militarization, states that in Brazil ‘it has become normal’ for police ‘to enter a territory and treat the population as if it were a war enemy…Brazil’s security policy is not aiming to guarantee security for everyone, but just for an elite while oppressing the other larger number of the population, especially the black people.’ This film explores the relationship and close similarities between the militarised policing of favela communities in Rio de Janeiro and the militarised law enforcement tactics used by the Brazilian-led UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) between 2004 and 2007.

The film draws on testimonies of survivors of police violence in four favelas in Rio de Janeiro – Complexo do Alemão, Manguihos, Complexo de Maré, and Salgueira – in November and December 2019.

The film was produced using participatory practices, providing a degree of co-ownership, and co-authorship, where those who lost loved ones reclaim some agency over their experience – ultimately, approving their edited interviews in the final film.

It addresses the links between the ‘shoot to kill’ militarized policing of marginalized communities in Brazil and the militarized policing of marginalized communities in Haiti by the Brazilian-led UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH).

Our aim is to use the film, website, and research findings to stimulate discussion and policy consideration of states’ obligations to protect the human rights of communities targeted in police operations.

The project was funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council, UK, and Ulster University.

O filme baseia-se em testemunhos de sobreviventes de violência policial em quatro favelas do Rio de Janeiro – Complexo do Alemão, Manguinhos, Complexo de Maré e Salgueiro –, visitadas em novembro e dezembro de 2019.

O filme foi produzido usando práticas participativas, proporcionando um grau de copropriedade e coautoria, onde aqueles que perderam entes queridos têm controle sobre seus depoimentos – em última instância, aprovando (ou não) suas entrevistas editadas no filme final.

Agora Eu Quero Gritar aborda os vínculos entre o policiamento militarizado e a prática de “atirar para matar” em comunidades marginalizadas no Brasil e o policiamento militarizado de comunidades marginalizadas no Haiti pela Missão de Estabilização da ONU, liderada pelo Brasil (MINUSTAH).

Nosso objetivo é usar o filme, o site e os resultados da pesquisa para estimular a discussão e a consideração política das obrigações dos estados de proteger os direitos humanos das comunidades visadas nas operações policiais.

O projeto foi financiado pelo Arts and Humanities Research Council do Reino Unido e pela Ulster University.



“It’s a powerful piece of work, one that has really stayed with me. I have thought about the mothers and that brave young man many times since watching it.”

Frank Berry, director, Michael Inside (2017)



9th November, 2020

Belfast Film Festival and Docs Ireland at the Queen’s Film Theatre in Belfast.

Watch a post-screening interview  with Vanessa Ross, Project Manager Safewater, Ulster University, talking to the filmmakers – Cahal McLaughlin and Siobhán Wills.

12th November, 2020

Brazil premiere

A panel of participants and others discussing the issues raised before the screening:
Post screening:



Review from Indy Film Library

Review from Ponte Jornlismo

Haiti Remains Here Too
Aderson Bussinger, director of the OAB-RJ Documentation and Research Center, Rio de Janeiro, writing in TRIBUNA da imprensa LIVRE, 17.11.20.



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A non-governmental organization in Brazil fighting for equal rights.
Redes de Maré

Redes de Maré

Develops projects and actions to improve the lives of the favelas of Maré.


The Brazilian Bar Association in Rio de Janeiro.
The Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz)

The Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz)

An institution of science and technology in health in Latin America


Centre for Justice and International Law